(852) 6224-6494
Rm 605, Wang Yip Industrial Building, 1 Elm St, Tai Kok Tsui, Hong Kong
大角咀霓虹燈工作坊 DIY Neon
6-8人 大角咀 Workshop
Service Description
工作坊目的為令更多人可以體驗到霓虹燈的製作方式,感受香港霓虹燈文化。此工作坊為製作霓虹燈的初階教學,用EL冷光線在帆布板上跟設計圖形製作,製成品可用於家居擺設品或手提式燈牌。 報名費用已包括:2米EL冷光線、2粒AA電芯、電池盒、20x30cm帆布板、製作所需膠水膠紙及工具 (剪刀及𠝹刀等工具需於工作坊完結後歸還) This workshop aim to embrace the beauty of neon signage, and allow participants to learn more about neon signage production process. This is an elementary course which we will be using EL light thread to create neon graphics on canvas. The final product can be used as home decoration or portable neon sign. Price includes: 2 meters of EL light thread, 2 AA Batteries, 20x30cm canvas and production necessities such as masking tapes and glue will be provided (Tools such as scissors and cutters need to be returned after workshop ends).
Contact Details
Ying Kong Mansion, 2-6 Yee Wo Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
+ (852) 6224-6494